Taylor McClish
oops, i seem to have missed some days posting... my bad.

1.) Moisterize your skin- use alittle and apply it using a sponge and gently dab it all over you face.

2.)Foundation- look at you skin tone on your neck or your undertone. Apply the foundation by using a brush or a sponge (I perfer a sponge so I can easily get off extra foundation). You DON'T need it all over your face, only places with a little redness, really.

3.) Concealer- use the same brand andtone as the foundation, that was your not mix matched.. although, you probably already knew that. Apply your concealer under your eyes, in the creases of your nose and under your lips.
 ** if you need to cover up a zit/pimple, use a GREEN concealer first, the green counter acts the red of the zit. then apply your regualr concealer. Remember to apply it going down your face, not up. If you go up, you block more of your pores so you will get break outs faster/ more.

4.) Powder- apply the powder right where your blush is going to go so that the blush glides on evenly and easily.

5.) Blush- apply it straight back, stop when you see the light shade of the color in the compact, you want it to look 'real'. you could also use a touch of the blush on you forehead, nose and chin for a more sun kissed look.

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