Taylor McClish
1.)    You should only pop white heads, they’re safer to pop. Don’t pop a cyst or boil, those can scar you’re pretty face.

2.)    Wash your hands and face, then swab spot the pimple with rubbing alcohol.

3.)    Dip a clean needle in the alcohol and GENTLY pierce the white head. Try not to draw blood.

4.)    Squeeze gently from either side using clean hands or Q-tips. If it doesn’t come out easy, STOP squeezing, it could cause a scar.

5.)    Cover with a small band-aid to prevent scabbing.

 From Jessica Wu, L.A. Dermatologist ‘Feed Your Face’ $27 St. Martin’s Press, Amazon.com.

   - I would recommend doing this at night. You don’t wanna walk around all day with a purple circle band-aid in your face… unless you absolutely want to do that.
3/25/2012 11:31:43 am

That's great, I like this topic so much. My friend has acne problem too, and I want to help her. Thanks so much.


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